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Maternity fashions have gone from concealing the evidence under frumpy folds of floral material, to highlighting a pregnant belly with pride with revealing or figure-hugging outfits.
So, what better way of celebrating this wonderful time than by having a professional, elegant, fine art portrait that captures the essence and beauty of your pregnancy.

Back in 1991, a heavily pregnant Demi Moore appeared naked on the front cover of Vanity Fair.

Ever since then women have been inspired to bare their bump and document their pregnancies with a maternity portrait.
More recently, Myleene Klass and Britney Spears have both followed in Demi’s footsteps by gracing a magazine cover whilst pregnant.

Bumps are in fashion!

Maternity fashions have gone from concealing the evidence under frumpy folds of floral material, to highlighting a pregnant belly with pride with revealing or figure-hugging outfits.
So, what better way of celebrating this wonderful time than by having a professional, elegant, fine art portrait that captures the essence and beauty of your pregnancy.

Then when your child is old enough to ask “where do babies come from”, you’ll have the pictures to answer their question.

Children, husbands, partners are optional. You can be photographed alone or together.

When it comes to maternity clothes to wear for your pregnancy photos, check out the maternity shops for the latest outfits that actually show off your bump.

You may, of course, wear as much or as little clothing as you like. It’s all down to your own comfort level and the style of picture you would like.

And don’t worry – our digital retouching can remove any trace of those stretch marks from the final image.

So celebrate the new life growing within you. You can be sure that the images we create will accentuate the strength and beauty of new motherhood.

A true family heirloom

Your maternity portrait will become the most personal work of art you will ever own.
It will be an heirloom to be treasured – by you and, more importantly, your child-----forever.